This page last changed on Dec 08, 2008 by sfentress.

NetLogo 4.1 pre 6 was sent to us for testing, to see whether it succeeds in solving all the features we were looking for.

To test the code I created some test classes, which are posted in the resources of this page. The test classes use InterfaceComponent as the main NetLogo class.

  • Can be embedded
    • Embedding seems to work fine, except that some (all?) NetLogo programs, including ones that were written using 4.1pre6 (see attached Daisyword.nlogo) throw CompileExceptions when embedded, even when they don't have problems running in the NetLogo application. I was not able to find any nlogo program that did not throw exceptions, and therefore could not test most of the features.

      The exception I got for Daisyworld was:
      CompilerException: Nothing named SCENARIO has been defined at position 1022 in
        Nothing named SCENARIO has been defined at position 1022 in
      	at org.nlogo.compiler.CompilerExceptionThrowers$.exception(CompilerExceptionThrowers.scala:17)

      All other nlogo programs threw similar errors.

  • Look like the NetLogo applet
    • InterfaceComponent looks looks like the applet, in that it has no tabs or command field.
  • Is lightweight
    • If the InterfaceComponent is placed in a scroll pane, it scrolls nicely.
  • Can open models from online .nlogo files
    • This appears not to work, but maybe there is some other way to open an online file.
  • Can be controlled
    • Could not test.
  • Can be logged
    • Could not test.
  • Can disable the popup that asks for student name
    • Could not test.
  • Can turn on log4j logging
    • Could not test.
  • Can configure log4j logging
    • Could not test.

Daisyworld.nlogo (application/octet-stream) (text/plain)
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:52